Monday, January 7, 2013


Happy New Year. I haven't been sleeping early since the the last days of December. I have been thinking and reflecting about the past year and what I've done with it. I did not see much accomplishments, in fact I thought it was a lazy year for me. Not that I have been sleeping and not working the whole year, I even remembered working one Sunday night to Monday morning, trying to tweak a program (it was successful btw) and being frustrated and angry with a shopping plugin. Maybe, it's just not enough, I was still so comfortable OR I want to do something else. (and I admit, working from Sunday night to Monday morning is not good for both body and soul. I won't do this again unless it's a drawing/artwork that I'm passionate about.)

Last week, I started reading the book, The Hobbit. I read it during the night before I sleep and find it to be really an entertaining read. I haven't seen the movie yet. I will finish the book first. I thought that being a (not so) old book it will be hard to read but it's rather easier to understand than some modern books that I've read.

Last night I've finished an old drawing of a portrait of my sister. I remembered that the reference photo was left with my grandmother so I don't have a reference for the hair. I think that hair looks... not the best.

It's really 2013 already! 2012 was so fast, I did not even feel September. So this year, by God's grace I want to be happy and go out of my comfort zone more often.

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